Recently i considered the question: Does Omnism follow from Panentheism (the belief or doctrine that God is greater than the universe and includes and interpenetrates it) or does Panentheism follow from Omnism? After much thought, this is what i realized:

If God is alleged to be transcendent of the summation of the limits of epistemology, then Omnism must follow from Panentheism (this is because Omnism is the view that the objectivity that is transcendent of the subjective, does not exist apart from the very fact that all subjective views are valid but that no objective view is valid, for objective views do not exist [it’s in fact, oxymoronic to say “objective view” as an object does not have a view]). On the other hand, if one holds the belief that all subjective views lie underneath the umbrella of the objective conviction that there is no objective truth, then again one is of the opinion that all that can be cognized or conceptualized is within or a part of the ultimate, highest, non-dual subject-object*. Thus, Omnism and Panentheism are wholly interdependent and each implied inherently in the other.

While these two ideological and/or philosophical systems completely encompass one-another, a friend pointed out to me that they do not technically overlap as they deal with different matters — Panentheism deals with the nature of God (theology) and existence (ontology), while Omnism deals with differing perspectives about systems of thought. Nonetheless, while they differ in focus, they are still inherent in one another philosophically, and so in my claim of being an Omnist (and in speaking about it in general), from now forward, understand that I also claim to be a Panentheist, by virtue of the fact that it is inherently implied by the tenets of Omnism.

I also am an ardent student of Buddhism, in particular Tibetan Buddhism, and in even more particular, Madhyamika philosophy. Without going in depth (for now) into the tenets of Tibetan Buddhism or Madhyamika, i will just note that i see no incongruency between such philosophies and Omnism-Panentheism; in fact, the two appear to complement each other very nicely. More will be discussed of this in the future.

*The non-dual subject-object is referring to the unity of the objective lack of objectivity, and subsequent subjective universal validity.